

谢谢你的申请 德克萨斯州地区和房地产管理 满足你的住房需求. 为了更好地为您服务, we feel it is imperative that you are made aware of and fully understand our application process and screening criteria.

ATR  is committed to equal housing and we fully comply with the Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA). 我们不因种族而歧视任何人, color, 宗教, sex, 障碍, 家族的地位, 国家的起源, or age. 我们也遵守所有州和地方公平住房法. 我们为每一个需要申请表的人提供申请表.

必须阅读!!! -在进一步申请这个房子之前,有一个 $50.00 每位成人填写此申请表的申请费. Everyone that is going to occupy the property that is eighteen (18) years of age or older must fill out an application and submit a $50.00英镑申请费不予退还.

我们不预先筛选应用程序.  Applicants are required to pre-screen themselves with the following criteria and will need to meet the requirements below. If you feel you meet these minimum requirements, you are encouraged to apply. 


同一个属性可以有多个应用程序, 将选出最合格的申请人. 

申请过程 & 筛选条件:

我们需要在你的申请中附上一份你的政府签发的I.D., 最近三个月的工资单复印件, and if applicable per property a picture of each pet that will be on the property. 

识别, Each applicant is required to provide a copy of a legible Government issued photo I.D. card. 

入息核实- Income should be at least three (3) times the monthly rent and verifiable from an unbiased source:  employer through pay stubs, 纳税申报表, 和/或银行对账单. Self-employed income may also be verified with a CPA-prepared financial statement or 纳税申报表. Your employment history should reflect at least 6 months with your current employer.

Transfers or relocations must have correspondence showing an accepted job offer. Applicants who do not meet the above employment or income requirements must submit Savings Account statements showing a minimum average balance equal to 8 months of rental payments for the last 6 months.

就业, 我们需要可核实的就业.  如果你是自雇人士, 退休, 或者没有工作, 我们可以接受签署的报税表等文件(最少2年), 银行对账单, etc.,提供申请人有能力支付租金的证明. 如果是军用的,我们需要一份当前的LES副本. 如果你是现役军人, 你一定是在执行任务, 据你所知, 是否允许您完成最初的12个月租约. 

居住历史- 我们需要可证明的居住地.  Applicants are responsible for providing information including the names, addresses and phone numbers of Clients with the dates of tenancy for the previous 3-5 years. 租赁历史必须从公正的来源核实. (Cannot be from family or relatives) Home ownership will be verified from a current credit report. Evictions within the previous 5 years will be automatic grounds for denial. Broken leases will be considered on a case-by-case basis and an additional security deposit may be required.

信用记录- 我们将从益百利获得一份您的信用报告副本. You cannot provide this to us; we will obtain these ourselves. Credit history should show that the resident has paid bills on time and does not have a history of debt “write-offs” or accounts that have gone into collection. 欠以前的赌lol比赛app或公用事业公司的钱是拒绝的理由. 居留权也可能因信用记录不良而被拒绝.

犯罪,性犯罪,和恐怖分子数据库检查 我们会在数据库里查所有18岁及以上的住户. 我们不租给任何被要求登记为性犯罪者的人. 涉及暴力犯罪的犯罪背景, 卖淫, and domestic violence and/or involving the possession of weapons or illegal substances are all grounds for denial of an application. 

 **可根据犯罪类型和/或年龄作出例外规定, 请将详情提供给物业经理


主人保留更改宠物限制和宠物押金的权利. 宠物政策因房主而异. Some owners do not permit pets, while others restrict type and/or size of pets. No more than two pets per household are permitted without specific owners’ approval. Property Insurance Companies do not allow certain particular Breeds, neither purebred or mixed. 因此, dogs fully or partially of the following breeds will be rejected: Akita, 美国斗牛犬, 牛头獒, 獒, Chow, 杜宾犬, 德国牧羊犬, Husky, 声部进入记号Canario, 斗牛, 西伯利亚雪橇犬, 美国斯塔福德梗, “狼狗”, 斗牛梗, 比特斗牛梗, 罗威纳犬和它们的任何组合.

Residents will be evicted for misrepresenting any of the above types of dog, 以及持有任何有毒物品, 危险的, 濒危物种或其他非法宠物.

We require with your application, a picture of each pet that will be on the property. . 


现场未见申请和批准. 可以申请这个家, 被批准, and sign a lease agreement without ever seeing one of our homes in person. 在这种情况下, we require an incoming approved Resident to sign a Site Unseen Addendum to the Lease Agreement.

租赁准备费:100美元 每份租约需要准备100美元的租约准备费, forward, 并提供电子签名的便利.


1  Signing the rental application (electronically) indicates that you have had the opportunity to review the Client's Resident selection criteria, 哪些是上面列出的并可根据要求提供的. The Resident selection criteria may include factors such as criminal history, 信用记录, 当前收入和租赁历史.

2.  Applicant understands that providing inaccurate or incomplete information is grounds for rejection of his/her application and forfeiture of any application fee. It may also be grounds to declare the applicant in breach of the lease, after signing.

3.  Applicant represents that the statements made in the application are true and complete.

客人的选择 德州地产 & 管理BBB业务审查 德州房地产经纪人协会 住房机会平等 IREM 全国物业经理协会 房地产经纪人联盟 房地产经纪人联盟 赌lol比赛app的顶级物业经理
德州地产 & 管理 is committed to ensuring that its website is accessible to people 有残疾的. All the pages on our website will meet W3C WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, A级一致性. 任何问题都应该报告给 . 无障碍网页政策